Smok Helmet CLP Coil

Smok Helmet CLP Coil

Brand: Smoktech

Smok Helmet CLP Coil

€ 2.70

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Smok Helmet CLP Clapton Coils

Smok Helmet CLP Coil:
• 0,4Ω Fused Clapton Dual Core. Japan imported high quality organic cotton. Compatibilite Smoktech Helmet, and Helmet Micro (20W - 45W)

• 1,0Ω Clapton Single Core. Japan imported high quality organic cotton. Compatibilite Smoktech Helmet and Helmet Micro (20W - 35W)

Package Contents:
• 1 x 0,4Ω or 1,0Ω (depending of your choice) 

The warranty does not cover Coils or Clearomizer, as these parts are quickly used up while the products are put to normal use.

Price for 1 unit / coil

When using a new coil, let the tank stand for 5 minutes, so the cotton can be saturated with juice before firing. Do not let the tank become completely empty. Refill the tank become completely empty. Refill the tank to avoid dry burning or damage to the coil
